Sunday, February 21, 2010

Akio Toyoda to “testify” at US Congress hearing on sticky accelerator recall issue

As if he has not enough problems on his plate, Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota, will now fly to the US to attend a hearing of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on February 24 titled, “Toyota Gas Pedals: Is the Public At Risk?”. Toyoda, grandson of the brand’s founder, probably did not have much choice as he was formally invited (more like summoned) to America by Chairman Edolphus “Ed” Towns.

In the invite to Toyoda, Towns wrote: “There appears to be growing public confusion regarding which vehicles may be affected and how people should respond. In short, the public is unsure as to what exactly the problem is, whether it is safe to drive their cars, or what they should do about it. To help clarify this situation, I am inviting you to testify.

“You may submit written testimony for the record, of any reasonable length. In addition to your written testimony, you should be prepared to provide a five minute opening statement and answer questions posed by Members of the Committee.”

Sounds like a grilling in store, but Toyoda is not shrking off the responsibility and will “stand in the dock”. “I look forward to speaking directly with Congress and the American people,” the TMC president answered.

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