Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kereta.com, the Malaysian Cars.com Equivalent, Launches an Online ...

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (PRWEB) June 2, 2009 -- Today, in the toughest automotive market in history, Kereta.com launches a localized automotive marketplace for Malaysia. With approximately 500,000 new vehicles sold annually, Malaysia is South East Asia's largest passenger car market.

Kereta.com's beta marketplace provides an independent resource connecting car buyers and sellers, dealers and individuals alike onto a low friction web platform that maximizes transactions at no cost. In addition to vehicular trade, Kereta.com enables transactions in both automotive parts & accessories as well in automotive related services such as repairs, tinting, loans and insurance.

"With both email & SMS verification, we increase trust in our marketplace", said Kereta.com founder, Janssen Choong. "With strong branding partly enabled through our ownership of the premier Malaysian car related domain, I believe we will enact positive change within the Malaysian automotive industry"

"Kereta".com, which is the direct Malay translation for "Cars" benefits from a premium position with awareness acquired over the last couple years. This new marketplace represents the start of an expansion into various other sectors of the Malaysian automotive industry.

The automotive market in Malaysia is extremely vibrant with participation of various brands and franchises from the high end such as Ferrari and Maserati, to national car makers Proton and Perodua as well as world acknowledged leaders Toyota and Honda and upcomers such as Kia and Hyundai.

With further plans to launch Kereta.com in Malay, Chinese, Tamil and Arabic versions, Kereta.com aims to operate fully in tune with the multi-lingual society of Malaysia.

Implemented with liberal use of AJAX methods via JQuery on a custom MVC framework, Kereta.com provides a responsive and well targeted user interface that facilitates search and enhances the ease of use of the site. Kereta.com is built on a LAMP platform and the use of open source products has enabled savings that is reinvested into better features for our users.

"Malaysia deserves a world class automotive site and Kereta.com is there to fulfill the need"

The Kereta.com marketplace is accessible at Kereta.com Marketplace

About Kereta.com Kereta.com is an automotive marketplace allowing users to trade their vehicles, parts & accessories or automotive related services. Providing most services for free, Kereta.com ensures maximum value and commitment to its users. "Kereta" is the Malay term for cars. Kereta.com is a product of eMason.com, a boutique web consultancy.

About the Founder Janssen Choong is a serial entrepreneur with a long history in web development. From his first dynamic web site in 1997 while still a student at the University of Pennsylvania (textswap.com), he has been involved in notable sites as Hotwire.com, bookHq.com and myHq.com. Locally in Malaysia, Kamus.com ("Dictionary") has achieved significant traction with over 120,000 visits monthly.

About eMason Solutions Sdn Bhd eMason is a boutique web consulting firm operating across the Pacific servicing clients from the United States through a globally experienced team based in Malaysia.



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